original image
the lake-script              sample1   sample2   sample3   sample4
the settings

//*****parameters to set*****
ptop=80; //the top position of the image to appear on your page in pixel
pleft=50; //the left position of the image to appear on your page in pixel
imagea='sample1.jpg'; //the path to your image
pwidth=250; //the width of the image to be shown
pheight=188; //the height of the image to be shown
wavetop=135; //the distance for the waves to start from the top of the image
wavebot=pheight; //usually you can leave this at the given value. it marks the point the waves end.
//with reverse set to '0':
//if you want only a stripe to be rippled, set this to any number between wavetop and pheight;
//with reverse set to '1':
//it controlles the entire height of the rippled part. you may set it lower or heigher, just try out;
//reverse set to '0' ripples the part of the pics, the waves are on;
//reverse set to '1' reflects&ripples the part above the waves;
opaz=100; //with reverse set to '1' you have the possibility to use a second pic to shimmer
//trough the waves; to achieve this effect, you can add transparency to the displayed reflections
//the value may be changed from 100(opac) to 0(transparent);
nnmoz=0;//notice: switching nnmoz from 0 to 1 turns on transparency for NetscapeNavigator6 too;
underlay=0; //change this to the path of your second (underwater)-pic, if used
//or to 'underlay=0;' otherwise
uwidth=pwidth; //the width of the underlay to be shown, by default set to the width of the first pic
uheight=wavebot-wavetop; //the height of the underlay to be shown, by default set to the height of the waves
steps=23; //the number of slices (each one pixel high) to display one wave (set by range)
range=5; //the amount of pixels for one wave (range10 means 10 to the left, 10 to the right)
//please notice, that with reverse set to 1 the pic is clipped at both side by the length of 1 range
//automatically to avoid the underlay/background to be seen
tim=5; //the timeout between to transits of the script, setting it to low may cause stack-overflow-errors;
autostart=1; //set to 1 starts the script onload, set to 0 you have the possibility to start the
//script by link from your page; sample-link: undulate!