Links Listings
Links Lists
Counter-Coup Sites
Al Gore — Supporting the Real President
George W. Bush — Background Information
Politics and Activism
Exposing the Right Wing
Links Lists
Free Speech for the New Century
Breaking News About Vote Fraud in Tennessee
Updates on the ongoing grassroots investigation into voter
Bush Brothers Banana Republic
Essays, news about resistance activities, and merchandise
Citizens for Legitimate Government
Information, links, and calls to action
"The Bush administration's lies, deception and misleading
statements moral clarity, honesty and integrity"
- CounterCoup
Clearinghouse site for nationwide and local resistance
The Clothes Have No Emperor
Providing a "Japanese context" for counter-coup information
Democratic Underground
Essays and Information, and a discussion forum. Check out the
weekly feature, "The Top 10 Conservative Idiots."
- Democrats.com
Site "for the online Democratic community"
Fight the Right
Writer Jackson Thoreau's contribution to combatting that theft
of the Presidency and restoring a legitimate White House.
Fighting Democrat
News and discussion
"Fair and Balanced Cartoons and Commentary: We cut and paste,
you decide."
- Bush's Foreign
Policy in Focus
- Fringe Folk
"To provide an outlet for people who feel that George W. Bush is an illegitimate President, and to show those in power just how determined those of us 'on the fringe' are to have our voices heard."
- Home of the Brave
Texas grassroots resistance organization
Impeach Bush Now
Because "the Bush Administration has been lying to everyone all along."
- In Your Heart, You Know Gore Won
- Irregular Times
Commentary, links, and merchandise
Old Liberal's Look at Politics and Other Stuff; Information, links, and calls to action
Let's Talk Sense
Personal web site with essays, links, and other information
Lies, Damned Lies, and George W. Bush An incomplete (and growing) list of broken promises
Life Under Bush
Literal Politics
A political commentary and news page with a Democratic perspective.
- Make Them Accountable
Up-to-date news articles collected from a variety of publications
The Peace Pretzel
Graphics for protest posters
Resolution of Censure Against the Supreme Court 5
(This resolution stops short of impeachment, but details the 5's "bad behavior.")
- Regime Change USA
"Vote for positive change in 2004"
Scorecard of Evil
Running tally of Bush's reactionary actions
- Shock the Monkey
Do Good by Doing Bad: Monthly suggestions for amusing ways to protest the coup.
"The best in Bushisms"
The Smirking Chimp
News bulletins, satirical commentary, and a discussion forum
Links to reports about the stolen election
Reprints of news articles, original essays, links list, and more
The Truth About George
Bush's record on women's rights, appointees, domestic agenda, rogue foreign policy, catalogued by the National Organization for Women.
- Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy
News and commentary about the regime
Veterans for Common Sense
Veterans of the Gulf War who oppose the rush to a new war.
A Voice of Reason
An alliance of patriotic citizens in Grand Junction, Colorado, united to promote positive world change through education and other non-violent means.
Vote George Out
Information, commentary, and links to other sites
Sponsor of Washington D.C. protests on Unaugural Day and the 19 May 2001 Voter Rights March
A satirical biography of Dubya, plus links lists
Who Dies for Bush Lies?
Anti-war, anti-Bush site
Al Gore
George W. Bush — Background Information
Politics and Activism
Arizona Democracy Group
Grassroots organization "dedicated to affecting change in the policies and politics of our state and our nation, in order to bring prosperity and fair play back to Arizona citizens"
Clinton Manor
Dedicated to "The Once and Future President"
Congress: House of Representatives
Roll-call votes, information about bills, member directories, and much more
Congress: Senate
Roll-call votes, information about bills, member directories, and much more
The Daily Brew
Liberal commentary
Nonpartisan information on candidates and issues, sponsored by the League of Women Voters
Democrats Online
Not officially affiliated with the Democratic Party; news and other links, essays, and a discussion board.
- Editor Ludorum
Personal web site that includes political topics and links.
- Election Center
Task Force composed of government employees whose profession is to serve in voter registration and elections administration.
Election 2004 Project
Personal web site that rates potential candidates and examines the issues
- Essential Information
"Encouraging activism"
- Federal Election Reform Network Committee
- Florida Legislature Home Page
Independent Political Election Coverage & Forecast
Links to news, web sites, discussion forums, and essays
Liberal Oasis
'Where the left is right and the right is wrong': news, commentary, and links.
The Online Gadfly
"News and Opinion Regarding Environmental Ethics and Public Policy"
Organizers Collaborative
"Networking and resources for social change"
The Political Amazon
Liberalism with an attitude
- Politics1
Directory of U.S. political parties; with lots of related information
- Progressive Populist Reform Party
Project for Defense Alternatives
Nonpartisan foundation whose mission is to adapt security policy to the challenges and opportunities of the post-Cold War era.
- The Radical Middle
A newsletter of "Thoughtful Idealism and Informed Hope"
- Responsible
Billionaires argue against the tax cut
Scoundrel's Refuge
Monthly column by New Jerseyite Nathan Rudy on national political issues
- Tuesday Group
Moderate House Republicans (yes, there is such a creature)
Web site that highlights organizations that work for justice and social progress.
The White House official web site
The page that lists postal and e-mail addresses is here.
A community of people committed to social change
Exposing the Right Wing
- Investigative Journalism:
Behind the News
"Links for News Researchers and Journalists"
- Center for Democracy and Technology
Information about legislation and government actions related to cybersecurity
Constitution of the United States
Complete text
- The Constitution:
The Constitutional Principle: Separation of Church and State
Discussion and historical perspective on the subject
- Dictionary of Legal Terms
Online edition of The Real Life Dictionary of the Law
'A directory of public relations firms, think tanks, industry-funded organizations and industry-friendly experts that work to influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of corporations, governments and special interests.'
The Federalist Papers
The historical debates about what the United States government should be
- The Constitution:
Founding Fathers
The Founding Fathers on separation of church and state
- Freedom of Information Services
Information on the Freedom of Information Act and assistance in using it; primarily for journalists, but helpful for anyone.
- History:
History News Network
"Because the past is the present and the future, too."
Inciting Democracy
"A Practical Proposal for Creating a Good Society"
The Internet Archive
A digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form; the site preserves web pages that might be deleted from their original site.
- Law and Politics: Internet Guide to Law and Politics
Portal to a wide variety of information
Law & Politics: Useful Links
Perry and Baker, Attorneys and Counselors (a site I stumbled across in an instance of purest serendipity)
The Memory Hole
Archive of articles and documents that may be deleted from other locations
- People:
"Search index of people influential in politics, the military, intelligence, crime, business, and the media since WWII."
Politics as unusual
Debunking the rightwing anti-envirionment myths
Truth and Politics
"Index to political knowledge ... filtered through modern, left-of-center political liberalism"
Searching the Web
- What Do You Want to Know About the Florida Vote Count?
A nonpartisan site (as much as any such site can be)
- Terrorist Glossary